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Ludovico Sforza

Using the rivalry with these states, he made Milan's power. Not trusting Venice, he stayed on good terms with Florence and its Medici ruler, Lorenzo the Magnificant. He secured great alliances with Ferdinand I, king of Naples, whose grandaughter, Isabella had a marraige in 498 to Gian Galeazzo, and with the Borgia pope Alexander VI, with the influence of Ludovico's brother named Ascanio, who was a cardinal. In 1491 Ludovico married Beatrice d'Este, the pretty and cultured daughter from the duke of Ferrara. The marriage was to be unusually harmonious, in spite of Ludovico's mistresses, and Beatrice had two sons named Massiiliano and Francesco, in which would become dukes of Milan.

With help of artists and scholars, Ludovico made the court of Milan The most amazing in Europe. Leonardo da Vinvi and the architect Donato Bramante were one of all the artists, poets, and musicians gathered in Milan. Ludovico helped extensive work i civil and Military engineering, like canals and fortification.


Was an Italian sculptor, painter, architect, and poet who painted the ceilings of the Sistine Chapel. His famous work of David is popular today.

It was certain people that brought about the Renaissance including two brilliant minds of Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangleo.


The Catholic Church

​At this time period, the Catholic Church had an issue to deal with. They were up against doubt from the

Renaissance. Many questioned the beliefs of religion. The increasing science drove these people in that

way. In this timeperiod, the Jesuits were formed. Thier goal was to

To defend and spread the teachings of the Catholic Church

The Jesuits were sucessful and the Catholic Church sent missionaries to the new land of the Americas.


Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo was an Italian Renaissance polymath painter, Sculptor, architect, Musician, Scientist,mathematician, zoologist, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, Cartographer, botanist, and writer. His brilliant mind helped the Renaissance humanist ideal.

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